Fit each of the threat communities to a distribution




Dataframe of threat communities.


A dataframe.

See also


data(mc_threat_communities) fit_threat_communities(mc_threat_communities)
#> # A tibble: 8 x 12 #> threat_community threat_id definition category action_type low high #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 Technology Leader… TC-01 Technology lead… employee error 0.4 0.8 #> 2 External Cyber Ad… TC-02 Hackers or exte… external malicious 0.1 0.5 #> 3 Environmental TC-03 Natural disaste… natural geological 0.2 0.8 #> 4 Third Parties TC-04 Vendors and oth… external error 0.3 0.6 #> 5 Regulators or Aud… TC-05 Internal and ex… external NA 0.4 0.75 #> 6 External Litigants TC-06 Civil and crimi… external competitive 0.3 0.5 #> 7 Organizational In… TC-07 Internal users … employee error 0.3 0.5 #> 8 Political Activis… TC-08 Terrorists and … external malicious 0.3 0.5 #> # … with 5 more variables: threat_func <chr>, threat_mean <dbl>, #> # threat_sd <dbl>, threat_min <dbl>, threat_max <dbl>